later she told me about cathie baxter, and then i asked her to lunch. they're in, i think is the seed for but we have today, the first presentation of the climate -- family violence council's report on the status of family violence in san francisco. we all had a lot in common, working in nonprofits, not city agencies, and we are often dealing with victims. i am really happy to be here and feel their support and field support of all my brothers and sisters who work in family violence. bette davis once said that old age is not for sissies. she is right about so many things, and she was right about that. when you look at the status of family violence in san francisco, it is startling. 18,000 people who feel victimized enough to call someone. that is the city agencies, aps hot line, and that is startling. but the most startling part of that is the part that has to do with elder abuse. and why is that? well, if we compare child abuse and elder abuse, taking domestic violence off the table for a moment, 14% of san francisco is comprised of children. 14% is co