we had schedule, cathrine stefani and she was not able nher place we have sophia hayward. >> the proposed ordinance will amend the planning code to permit a change of use from business to professional business to medical service use on the first floor or below within the sacramento street, neighborhood commercial district. which is a five-block stretch along sacramento street from spruce street rather to lion street in san francisco. so basically the way that it is now, is that new medical services are prohibited at the ground floor and below, and when i say below there are a number of retail storefronts that are accessed by descending from the sidewalk from the half submerged level below the street. >> if it is adopted a change of use from business to professional service to medical service would be permitted providing that no residential use or active street frontage is lost. >> the planning department is recommending approval of this with minor modifications. the reason for that is that the department's position is that the language for the amendment is restrictive enough that the amri