i want to acknowledge the presence of cathy calvin the president of the united nations foundation, thank you for your leadership. i want to say of willy brown, yes he had the dream, the civic pride but came to the the congress to the money to get city hall done so we all take pride in this. thank you for your leadership willy. i want to acknowledge how proud we are of our ambassador to the united nations. the secretary general honors us with his presence but he honors us doublely by having mrs. ban being here with him. thank you so much mrs. ban. to all your honored ambarsders representives and general, thank you for being here today we are gathered in commemoration and celebration of one of the great moments of history. a great moment of histfry the world, a grite moment fl history of our country, a great moment for our city. 70 years ago as yous heard the delegates of 50 nations gathered in san francisco opera house to open a new era for humanity. here in san francisco the hope of president wilson and vision of president roges velt and congratulations of president truman were fulfilled