i'm cathy corday. i hope you're enjoying the program and that this dialogue about our many selves and our quest for yearning and embracing the messiness of life is resonating with you. please call now with your support of public television. please call the number on your screen. when you do, we have many ways of saying thank you for your support. beginning at the $60 level, we have the yearnings newsletter. it's six pages, published four times annually and it contains additional writings on yearnings and the daily practices from irwin kula. we also have, at the $90 level, yearnings: embracing the sacred messiness of everyday life. it's a hardcover volume. it contains seven chapters and this book merges ancient jewish wisdom with contemporary insights, intimate stories to offer practical perspectives on everyday problems. at the $120 level, we have for you the hidden wisdom of our yearnings with irwin kula dvd. it is a dvd of the program that you've been watching and it includes approximately 20-minute