. >> lori juicy, miles cooper, cathy deluca. >> hi. i'm lori. i just wanted to support the townsend bike lanes. i'm happy to hear that we need bike lanes in there as soon as possible. it's obviously, as supervisor kim said, an untenable mess. the bike lane, i don't use it there, because it's easier and safer to ride in traffic, because people are pulling in and out of the bike lanes all the time. on my way home from the mission, i go mission to embarcadero every day, coming back, it's just people are pulled over on the side of the road across from caltrain. and i really encourage everyone to support it and not back-pedal again. thank you for your support. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i am frustrated that it would be taken off the table and put back on. i'm here because my 4-year-old daughter was diagnosed with cancer. i go to stanford with her on a regular basis. she climbed into a radiation vault and sat in there by herself 20 minutes a day. she has no fear but asked me to stop riding on townsend. i get off 1 1/2 blocks away and i rid