please stand mayor parker and first lady cathy hubbard. [applause] you can see past presentations on our web site such as jane goodall, bill moyers and supreme court justice john paul stevens. just go to our web site at that is progressive forum we are pleased to give a book to every attendee tonight. just show your ticket at the distribution table in the grand foyer. additional books are also on sale in the grand foyer by blue willow bookshop. after justice sotomayor's presentation she will join me for a q&a. i should say that supreme court rules don't allow us to discuss court cases of the past, present or future but we will delve deeply into her fascinating story. justice sotomayor will sign books and greet fans in the grand foyer. i cried when i read "my beloved world," and i also laughed. it is a good book. i believe it will be more than a bestseller. it will become a classic american success story and required reading in high schools and colleges. i am amazed at the e-mails we have been getting from houston