and then cathy kerkow remember something. she has in her purse a round-trip ticket to seattle that her father had sent her to visit him. she missed the flight. it had been three days earlier as she went to the count is low, have this expired ticket, can a change in the two one-way ticket's to seattle? not only that they give for a refund. so they get on western airlines flight 701, and i'm going to conclude this reading by giving you a little theme of the beginning of the hijacking of western airlines flight 701 which is the heart and soul of this book, "the skies belong to us." roger holder was aching for a case of marijuana. just a few quick jokes to serve his nerves. every cigarette packed full of joint in his breast pocket, but there is no way could sneak up off in the lavatory without attracting unwanted attention. he settled instead for a second round of urban, brought to them but the shapely blonde stewardess who said her name was gene. about the triplets cost or displace some liquor on holder's jacket, an action for w