it's the social epicenter of this small town where cathy swartz's father ran the pro shop. her brutal murder back in 1988, it also became a place that connected cathy's daughter courteney to her mother. >> i grew up in the bowling alley. i spent a lot of time there. i was raised by my grandparents. they tried to fill the void as much as they could. >> what were you told about your mother's absence when you were a little girl? >> about first grade, they had told me that a bad man had hurt my mom and she was up in heaven. and when it would thunderstorm, they would tell me that that was my mom up in heaven bowling a strike. it was pretty cool watching the thunderstorms as i was little because i'm like, "oh, she must be bowling pretty good today." >> your mother's best friend jennifer has told you a lot about your mom? >> yes, she has. >> cathy and i were very good friends. i've known her since grade school, so we've been friends a long time. cathy was like somebody you could count on. she was a good listener, always there for you, just a good person. >> childhood friends, cath