[applause] i want to thank senator donovan and representatives dylan roberts and marc catlin for theirdership on launching this important concept. it is a simple mark -- it's simple market economics. when you have more choices as a consumer, companies have to compete for your business, which means lower prices. we estimate that a public option will save coloradans an additional 9-18% on their individual premiums. furthermore, the public option will empower folks in the 22 colorado counties where there is currently only one insurer, and no choice. you might have heard there are powerful special interests who have a stake in preserving the current -- the status quo. colorado has the second-highest hospital profit margin in the country. and front range hospitals with over $2 billion dollars in -- are already using those profits from overcharging patients to run ads against legislation that could save families money. we won't let that work. [applause] just this year, we are seeing pharmaceutical drugs coming to market with a price tag of over $2 million for a single dose. folks are going t