and joining me now to do just that roger pilon vice president of legal affairs at cato institute and george washington reporter for the nation magazine gentlemen i want to welcome you to the program today let me just start by asking you roger in your opinion what will today's announcements accomplish not a lot the twenty three measures that he himself is going to take if you look at the relatively trivial for example pretty big as well pretty big as well calling for the centers for disease control to do a study of the causes of gun violence is if we don't have a pretty good handle of that already other measures to deal with data sharing in those are important better because right now that is a problem but most of the measures that are the ones that we hear about the. restriction on assault weapons that's informed is going to take legislation that can be done by executive order right and george i mean talk to me about this because a lot of what the president did today is sort of call congress to action to keep this topic you know keep keep the bright lights you know shining on this topic how realistic