miceli case, dr. mcgarry noted needle marks on cayne's arm, and despite the fact that tests showed no drugs in her system, he reported to coroner minyard that she had died because of drug abuse. dr. minyard classified the death as "accidental." to mike miceli, that meant one thing. >> cover-up. >> bergman: so you decided to look into this. >> oh, yeah. mm-hmm. >> how bad were her asthma attacks? >> bergman: miceli turned to veteran civil rights lawyer mary howell, who has been investigating deaths at the hands of the authorities in new orleans for decades. >> they really are downplaying here any of the stuff with the asthma. >> bergman: dr. mcgarry, who has worked for dr. minyard... >> right. >> bergman: ...for many years, are his autopsies, his findings, a regular problem that you run into? >> yes, yes, they are. if i know that dr. mcgarry has done the autopsy, and if i know that it is an in-custody death, i am routinely going to do a second autopsy. because the information and the experience that we've had dealing with the office here is... is so unreliable. and... and we have found really shocking thi