is the bureau chief of talk radio service and ellen ratner, the chief political correspondent for cbn news editorial page online producer and opinion writer at the washington times. and good to see you. >> good to see you. >> and so, i'm a christian. and as a christian, you believe in the bible and you know, some interesting things that the as a believer you read, the eye hasn't seen, the ear hasn't heard what god has in store for us. i look at universes and universes and something so much greater than i can comprehend. the very hairs on your head are counted. here is tim tebow for publicly stating and showing his faith and his christianity. now, one of the most interesting lines in the bible, you see this all the time at like sporting events john 3:16. so tebow passes for 316 passing yards, 31.6 average yards per pass, 31.6 final quarter tv ratings. [laughter] >> come op, what do you think? >> come on, coincidence? please, i mean, you know, we as christians, we say, come on, there's going to be something much greater going on here. >> sean: and 3:16 is god so loved the world that he sent