don't forget this place, don't forget regent, don't forget cbn university. this is an extremely important part of god's history. this is his faithfulness in action. i come to you with a warning on this happy morning. do not forget your first love. do not forget the eternal truths you learned here. because my heart is broken over the current spiritual condition of america. i ran for president of the united states because of what i saw happening to our great country. i knew the sacrifices and the prayers and all that had gone on to build up this fabulous nation, and i knew we cannot stand idly by and see it torn down. we needed to stand for it and build it up and pray for it. and so i ran. and yes, we do have political problems, and i'm involved in that process, and i actually thought i had a lot of good answers to those political problems. and we have moral problems as well. as believers, we cannot shy away from the political problems, and we should not. there is a move to tell christians to get out of politics. don't listen to it. we have moral problems. chr