my question was again on just the outreach to low income ratepayers, and those who are monolingual other than english and the rollout cca proposal. >> i believe that we should have an opportunity, as a commission, or any individual commissioner, to request, from staff, a detailed, but bullet-pointed proposal for our consideration. i would ask that we agendize such a memorandum for consideration at the full board, and make sure that we have the brightest minds because i'll tell you, aye been -- i'm 46 years old. i work with a lot of people. but there are some brilliant folks at your public utilities commission. management, upper management, whether you're talking about -- we heard about money, and power, right, barbara? but also, juliet is quite capable, mr. richie, and the rest of them. i'm confident that they will assist me at getting the information that i request from them. but frankly, i would have to -- i wro would have to concede thai don't have enough information about how we actually do that kind of reachout in those different languages. but i'm all ears. >> chair kim: thank you. hopefully your union will be hel