a day that ccanged america forever. ffrever.how maryland is marking the annivvrsarr... of the attack on pearl harror. sliding down the fiscal cliff by armstrong williams it 3 issnot clear whether america wiil continue to slide doon the fiscal cliff. no one falls off the cliff- it's just a matter of continuing to sliie intt un-chartered financial wasteland. there is pow a countdown on several news stations ii the washington, dc area hat show how many days merica has until it goes off the fiscal cliff. but despite the fact that there is ess than 30 days for lawmakers to get their aat together to solve the fiscal cciff, the reality of the situation is that it is impossible to solve he fiscal cliff in the four weeks it took americaaa gennration of fiscally-irresponsible fiscal policies, including unfunded entttlement legislation to get us into this mess. it is unreasonable tt expect politicians to get us out of thhs mess before the government decides to go after & aalofty goal such as olving the fiscal cliff, it should focus on reachinggsome more cooplex tax reform and enti