and our supervisors on this from the san francisco tenants union to the affordable housing alliance, ccdc, to the housing rights committee, the tenderloin housing clinic, just cause, and many other organizations that have been passionate on this topic and have really helped to shape i think many of our thinking on it. i also want to take a moment and thank supervisor farrell for his leadership as well as the tic owners and representatives at the real estate community. i believe that they have worked in good faith in the discussions that we've had in recent weeks and i do look forward to the discussion we'll have today as well as in the coming weeks on this. and i want to also thank supervisor yee for the work that he and his staff had done with my aide judson true and i to move this forward and i also should thank our city attorney john malmud who has spent many, many weeks and many, many hours particularly over this weekend in getting the amendments that we have in front of us today. so, as far as sort of a high level on what it is we are trying to achieve with these amendments, as i've