collaborative, ccdc, the tenants union, among others. this is a snapshot of some of the tools that we are assessing. we included the complete draft toolkit in the case report. we are continuing to speak with city partners to ensure this toolkit is comprehensive. for example we heard from commissioner melgar that we should add transportation related programs such as free or reduced muni passes to this toolkit. as we finalize the toolkit, we are working with these city partner and community organization stakeholders to better understand what are the costs, the benefits, the major challenges and ideas for improvements or enhancement of existing programs and policies. we are interested in understanding how best we can advance these programs' purpose and reach. for example, we are assessing s.r.o.'s in the hotel conversion ordinance. to do that, we are analyzing data collected through the annual unit usage report such as vie can't see rate and hotel locations, among other metrics. additionally, we met with d.b.i., planning staff and community