ccf-wide but without waiting for this in the last few months ~ we've implemented the platform configured it, tested it, and we are ready by this summer to present the plan that highlights the way to step-by-step implement it across the board for san francisco. so, i think we're doing reasonably well. there is much more to address. it's part of the unification of the city working together every day more on everything else. [speaker not understood] center, part of the somewhat related, in fact, directly related the [speaker not understood], with myself, sent a memo to all the directors of san francisco asking to communicate [speaker not understood] center and software and qualifications. and i was part of the overall plans to address this in a structural way together. >> okay. so, you expect to have a plan in -- by august, a comprehensive plan? >> yes, in fact, our plan is to have the planning in july [speaker not understood]. >> okay. we won't be here in august, so, that will give us time to review it. >> yes. i think that -- >> we could probably give you a little bit more time. >> you wi