cch pounder on the toitey. cch pounder on the toitey. cch pounder on the toitey... no! no hump!y spices. get hold of crispy, tender satisfaction... or grab a familiar favorite, all for just a dollar each. hot 'n spicy. can you handle more to love for less? so, you're pregnant. are you sure? cleveland, i've been pregnant five times. yeah, i'm sure. how could this be? (laughs) you acting like you weren't there when it happened. of course i was. i had to have been. what possibly could've snipped my involvement? you know, they say babies can hear everything in the womb. do you want to say "hi"? i'd love to. i don't know who you are, or how you got there, but i'll never love you. ever. and i'm going to follow your mother until i find out who your father is, and then lord it over her until she is destroyed. that is the only way to repair this relationship. love you. oh... i probably will love you, after i see your little face. (giggles) (chuckles) (sighs) good-bye, annie. for us, there is no tomorrow. (sobbing) (sobbing) rallo? ro-ro! j.j.! i'm so sorry i got the show-show shut down.