to that end, cci believes that the urgent engagement with trade partners must be a priority. in all cases, forcefully use of available trade remedies, including section 301 or exploration of disincentives based on u.s. domestic tax rules should be a potential response. these efforts will no doubt signal that other nations should think twice about implementation discriminatory laws that target great companies who provide so much to our economy. thank you, and i look forward to your questions. chair smith: i now recognize mr. rosenbaum for five minutes. >> thank you. thank you for the opportunity to testify before you today. i am kevin rosenbaum, the executive director of the international intellectual property alliance, the iipa, the coalition of trade associations representing u.s. copyright based industries, working to improve copyright protection and enforcement abroad, and to close markets with piracy. there is no doubt that u.s. trade agreements have meaningfully contributed to the growth of the copyright industries. for the past 35 years, we have commissioned a series of