the cmg ccontingentcy, is what we established it is some what unique to the construction manager general contractor approach to construction that we are employing on our project. >> that is a reserve to handle coordination between trade subcontractors and provide for a level of schedule recovery if the contractor falls behind schedule and needs to accelerate to stay on the schedule for october 2017 completion and related issues to the over all excuse of the work and finally the program reserve which is its own budget category and is a reserve against all other program budgetary requirements. so, in bringing an assessment in the recommendation to the board, we reviewed the status of all of the existing reserves, and in addition our recommending two additional components of contingentcy being incorporated into the budget. >> the first is a schedule contingentcy and as i mentioned there is a wide range of costs associated with managing and delivering a program of this nature that our time-dependant. and if we for some reason do not meet the october 2017 completion date, those costs will con