was a time it hadn't rained for weeks and weeks and the beans were drying up and the soil was like ccreted i was filming and he said listen you better bring some rain protection tomorrow. iaid it hasn't rained in three weeks, everything's dieing, he goes no 4:00 tomorrow it's going to rain. he wasn't predicting rain only the weatherman. 4:00 like a minute to 4:00 the sky turns black and like, it was like a gong at 4:00. >> yeah. >> and so there's all sorts of wisdom in this documentary. it's also the wisdom of sur advise al. louis is a street hustler. he figured out how to survive. i don't think he graduated high school. his job pays $7 a month but he fixed his house pretty good and he's working the black market. this is also a documentary about survival. >> you may have answered it in part what do you hope the take away is from the documentary. >> i think first of all american people, cuban people have been arbitrarily separated for half a century. that's crazy. i think if this could help people understand cuban people better, understand what's happened there, start them thinking about t