overall, private employers cct 700 jobs, but the gooernment aaded 2800.yment in maryland remains at 7.4%. maryland has 31,,000more people than it did in 2009.@ the lame duck congress got one thing done today.@ but still has a lot of important issues to deaa with. as craig boswell tells us, llwmakers need to act fast to prevent a government shut down. >> just two weeks before taxes were due to increase. president obama signs the ax tax cuts for two years. >> not only will middle class americans avoid a tax incrrase, butttens of millions of americans will start the new year off right by opening the fiist paycheck to see that it is laager than the one they get right noo. -> motion is adopted.easure funding the government. which runs out of money saturday. killed after senate republicans pulled support. and nearly 2000 page measure contained $8 billion in ear %->> congress geering up for one last big spendinggspree,,before christmas, with thousands of ear marks, but the american people just would not stand for it. >> to avoii a government shut down. house pre