that means that if you had a cdu or cassette, it is designed to be in casa to copy, you are not supposeden try to circumvent it. the problem there, once you start talking about software, software as indicated in this right to repair issue. romaine: that's what i don't understand. a cd or movie makes sense to me, that's real intellectual property that a consumer can put their head around with regards to taking that and doing something with it they shouldn't. but just going into a car or going into an iphone and changing a couple of things around for your own personal use, where's the violation? is that really a violation? >> a lot of advocates on the copyright side of things want there to be a provision in there that says there has to be annexes to copyright infringement p -- a nexus to copyright infringement. if it is to stop you from getting access to copyright material, including software, you have a violation of sorts. they also have some exemptions. every three years, the copyright office advises the librarian of congress, who puts out a list of exceptions where you are allowed to ci