. >> her name is cecilia but goes by cece, cece tkaczyk. so amedore starts calling it the cece tax, she wants to have a tax named after herself that's going to cost everybody in the district money to pay for elections, to give money to politicians. that's sort of your worst nightmare when you're running a campaign. i've got a new tax named after me. she was forthright. she said this is going to make our system better. voters responded. >> jonathan's super pac supported it financially, but you put boots on the ground, didn't you? >> sure, they were an army of door-knockers and phone bankers and volunteers going door to door identifying voters and then turning them out on election day. this was just days after hurricane sandy. roads were washed out. we had to have, you know, caravans trying to get people to the polls. people stationed at bridges that had been washed out persuading them to go out of their way to vote which i think produced that last 19 votes we needed. so i'll be ever grateful to the woman who did that. you don't know what's go