second poet laureate of san francisco and cofounder of the glide foundation, along with my brother cecil williams. give it up you guys. [applause] >> it's a very great honor for me to be part of this memorial. cecil and i and the glide family offer our condolences and prayers to mutsuko and daughter lauren and the entire adachi family. the glide family has respected and supported jeff adachi's legacy of being a warrior for the underserved and the marginalized. and we share his passion -- his passion to provide equal justice for all. he will be sorely missed. this is a poem for jeff adachi. in many cultures, salt is a symbol of wisdom, sharp wit, peace, warding off evil spirits. it is said to shrivel envy and pettiness that tries to diminish the truth and integrity. jeff adachi, i think of you like salt, salt is basic to our taste, substantial and essential. we crave salt to balance fluid in our bodies, flavor our lives, preserve what feeds us, heals wounds. sumo wrestlers, before a match, throw salt as a ritual to ward off evil and purify the event and show respect. ghandi marched to the sea with