appropriateness on august 6, 2014 neither the certificate of appropriateness was appealed it is on the ceda of grove street east and downhill of steiner street the house occupies a 20 foot widest by 27 dope lot by the ladies houses that are perpendicular to the subject lot the single request for discretionary review was filed by two appellants concerns expressed for the discretionary review include the following potential loss of light and air by the vertical addition and the mid block open space for this privacy caused by new windows on the subject side of the prop the incapability of the flat roof that with the slope roof forms of the adjacent buildings and the excavation on the dr requesters property residential design team look at the concerns raised in the dr request and concluded the height of the massive is sensitive articulated with the offer 3 and a half set back from the west property set back that was noted that the addition is separated from the rear yard within a 20 foot separation between the emission in a approximate 12 foot rear wall and a at the rear of steiner the adjacent