"all you need to do and we will make sure it gets to the cedaa falls exchaage club." time is of the essence this year, the exchange club will be picking up the toys earlier than usual, so you need to have your new unwrapped toys here at the kwwl studios...east 4th and franklin ststeets friday, dececeber 4. also, be sure to be looking for a toys for tots box in your community, and do what you can to help out. we'll be right back... --------- --------- if you think there's no solution to the climate crisis, think again. in iowa, wind energy is already producing enough power for over a million homes, reducing our dependence on foreign oil and supporting six thousand jobs. i'm tom steyer. with bold leadership and an endless supply of wind and sun, we can do that across america. the goal is 50% clean energy by 2030. i owe about $68,000. i owe $44,000 in student loans. my plan, the new college compact, says you should not have to borrow money to pay tuition if you go to a public colllle or university. and you ought to be able to refinance student debt. and i don't be