poore. i believe you are represented by cathy frye, is that correct? >> yes, sir. >> unlike cedrichose public defender is carrying a heavy case load, james poore hired a private defense attorney. >> miss frye has been in this morning. not guilty plea entered on your behalf. good luck. >> thank you. >> after the arraignment, the two brothers try to talk. an officer notices the exchange and separates them. >> did that go the way you thought? >> i didn't know nothing about no attorney. the court process is moving quicker than mine. >> you tried to talk after you were arraigned. what were you trying to say to him. >> how did you get an attorney? how were you able to afford an attorney. i'm scrambling to get an attorney myself. >> you gonna be cool? never hurts to shed a tear especially when you are a man of deep feelings. >> on the advice of his new attorney, james declined to discuss the case any further. as he is led to a single person segregation cell, cedric has much to say. for a while, i was standing by the code, believing that as long as i don't talk, as long as i don't snitch,