he was serveing a life sentence for the 1999 murder of cedric slater.as for the other killer, joseph jenkins, he walked free on september 27th three weeks ago. he was serving life for the 1998 murder of roscoe pew, a father of six. >> somebody had to help them. they alone could not do this in franklin ci. >> so in the jail some one you think helped them? >> i think someone outside helped them. >> reporter: that is the chief judge in orlando, orange county's judge, belvin perry, whose signature, perfect signature was on the bottom of both documents which, appeared to eminate from the state attorney's office. both of those documents went through orlando's courthouse. the orange county courthouse, the clerk of courts office, which then went to the department of corrections, which then, somebody thought they looked valid and set those guys fr jamie? jamie: let me ask you then, phil what is the connection for the killers then to the orlando area? >> reporter: well both of these men do hail from orange county, florida, up in central florida. they grew up ther