i am cedrick alexander and i am the current public safety director in decab, georgia and serve as the vice president of noble. my career started in 1977 in florida actually. tallahassee, orlando and in dade county where i left i think about 1992 and decided to go back to school and become a clinical psychologist and i am still trying to determine if that was a good idea or not. but nevertheless that training has helped me a great deal in moving through this progression and helping the profession change, too. but with that being said, i think over the last 35 years and i remember back in 1980 and many of you may remember the riots during that time. those riots actually grew out of the whole lot of years of distrust and quite frankly police brutality that had been occurring throughout that community for a long period of time. the reaction of that community after the loss of a life in the hands of the police. they have done a great job trying to change the trojectory and relationships that still exist in that community today. there is plenty of opportunity here i think for us to continue