meminee fost is opated on sustain yield manament sysm actually aised by cef oshko. he aisedhat if y start wi the risg sun anyou cut to the setting sun and take only the sick, dying, and the mature trees, and when you reach the end of the reservation you turn back and cut back, you do at, e trs would st forev. (birds whiling) - right now, currently there's more standing volume of timber on the forest now than there was back in 1854. so it is possible to have an economic harvest to deforest. if youo it in sustainae way, e forestan repla itself and u're notausing hm. (cinsaw buing) (tree falling) (chainsabuzzing) (tree lling) what we' doing ithis section a red oak svage. 've had me proems with thoak wiltungus diase. ifhe's a dame to some othe limbon a tre the fuus gets there and sically lls the tree whin one ason. if y're taki out ur low-qlity tre, youretter quity trees e remaing. soe have treesn the forest that are 150, 200, some even up to 300 years old, and they're still healthy, so we don't consider them for removal. as far as climate change, one of the things at w