who's pecome a celebrrty at the national aquarium.2)) ,3 &p3 in all of the bba news we've heard since hurricane sandy.... this mmrning.. a story of a newborn-- with flippers---... who is a real ssrvivor. kathleen cairns has more on this strange storyyyou willl only see first on fox. fox. ii this warehouse in fells point.... ssck seaacreatures are brrught in and rehabilitated. (two shot working on bigger turtle) "so this is a green sea turtle,, the tanks are filled with a variety of species :(far shot)"he's ootiny"but t's the tinnest turtte ttat is now the biggest celebbity.(amber- reveal)"it is a loggerhead sea turtle hatchling and this is the hatchling everybody has been talking aaout that came up on the eastern shore."just before hurricann sandy struck assateague national seashore.... (open eggs hatch) 162 turtle eggs were dug upp and saved.... the temperatures, ssnd erosion ann windsswould have crushed them... amber lowwangle)"i and actually witnnssed life in - the nest so far up north here.. are incredibby hopeful of his survivaa.