. >> reporter: erin peterson was celeste and eric's only child. erin a freshman at virginia tech was one of th him. >> reporter: the deranged mentally ill student went to the same high school as erin where she was a star basketball player. >> she was a really happy kid. >> reporter: celeste and grafton's lives revolved around her. >> we were completely blown up, and we had to figure out how to put ourselves together. >> reporter: she and her husband briefly thought about suicide. they were brought back from despair from steadfast friends, especially cheryl lennox who refused to leave her side, even when there were no words. >> we would sit and say nothing without words for hours. >> reporter: shelby lennox and erin peterson remained close through high school, and so did their moms. >> i can call he the morning and i would say i'm broke down, come get me and she would say i'm right there. >> reporter: shelby's daughter was planning a wedding, and knew it had to include celeste and grafton. >> we wanted celeste to officiate. and we wanted grafton to