one of the most important stories that we have is that of a young woman named celia celia lived in central missouri on a small farm and she was brought there at the age of 14 and endured 3 years of rape sexual assault by her own or poor 3 children she eventually kills her owner and is tried for murder there in central missouri and while she is ultimately convicted of murder and executed she's convicted because by law she's not permitted to. assert self-defense and slave woman but no one disputes that she was raped. to procure slaves brazil had to opt for another strategy perpetuating the slave trade but this time by what we're now illegal means. despite britain's efforts to put an end to the slave trade it mushroomed in the southern hemisphere within 35 years over 2 and a half 1000000 men women and children were transferred from west africa to plantations all over the world they were soon joined 540-0000 captives on the continent eastern coast where the main market was in zanzibar. if you look from 815 to let's about around 85855. there were actually more slaves transported across the atla