. >> 87-year-old celia vandegr. >> ft remembers her time at a hospital for those labelled feeble maintained minded and epileptic. it housed teens from broken homes, alcoholics and others that the state considered socially inadequate. >> how many sterilizations do you think you issued during your career there? >> oh, my goodness, i couldn't begin to tell you. >> during her 40 years. she witnessed thousands of forced sterilisation procedures - kids and adults who had reproductive organs altered so me couldn't have children. >> what do you remember about the kids that came in to be sterilised? >> they were asleep by the time they got to the operating room. i remember one week we'd do seven male sterilizations and the next only two female sterilizations, because it took longer to do the female than the males. >> this is the first time vandegrift talked publicly. the height of the movement where government leaders were intend on creating a super race. in 1924 the jirgeia you genical sterilisation act was passed. the goal - to rid society of people deemed intellectually detective. or mentally det