you're on "washington journal" with celinda lake.ler: i am interested having your guest to explain why the tea party membership seems to grow when their premises -- premise is less government. his wife are very dissatisfied with the quality of people that we are sending to washington, especially those that have been there. such a long time and have become professional politicians. if you notice, the group that was sent in last november, there were not any professional politicians. there were businessman, on to canoers -- entrepot yours, people who knew how to make the economy work. the only thing they seem to want to work is a method for them to retain their jobs. their only thinking of the next election. i think your polls are terribly skewed. i do not know which town hall meetings you are attending, but people are very pleased with the people they sent to washington. they are pleased because they are standing up against this explosive government, the spending, all of this going on while our economy sinks. i hope she can explain tha