. >> that's,celkya for her last name. i know we're running out of time and i thank you for having us. one of the points out to pedestrian and bicycle commune canties using streets and sidewalks as far as the spot program goes is we do have besides my end in education we also have enforcement wing. as most issues you have with street and sidewalk blocking in your neighborhoods the more the enforcement groups in those areas know about it the more we can actually take action. what the spot program has done for one avenue is have a spot hotline. we have a phone number we give out to the contractors we site as well as any private individual that sees an unsafe work site condition on their streets or sidewalks that looks - i made the mention about a sidewalk being blocked and those are the things we want to look at and see if that's something we can educate and enforce when we get there call 554 - 2349. it's a voice recorder and our enforcement officers check it numerously throughout the day. give us as much information as you