profit makers will of families may face debt spiral forceful debt collections which in some occasions cellette to suicide are you aware of this. yes one thing i want to correct it is not the grameen model if it is a grammy model it will not go into leasing i p o and so on so forth we're not in the business we're not here to make money out of our activity so they deviated from the government given model that's where all the problems took place they want to make it the money making enterprise for shareholders so they want to do x. eight people say if you lend money to the poor people you can make a lot of money out of it i said that's an entirely the opposite of going back system government system is to help poor people poor women particularly to change their life and nobody is trying to make money out of them those who want to make money out of them by misusing them in concept they turn the whole thing into long sharking direction and we're of course to loan sharking and that's how we were born opposing loan sharks so we don't want microcredit or green bank to be used to become law that's why w