during the seven day flight celotex in the view from the shuttle's was up to five window. >> being able a pressure suit and open match and step outside. essentially the universe of the front of him. >> especially riveted by the thin client of earth's atmosphere. that's all there was she would later say. it is so clear from that perspective how fragile our resistances. sally ride was my friend for 30 years. while i thought i knew her well, i really only learned about her by writing his bare feet. she was a fiercely private individual who avoided public appearances when she could and always preferred the company of one or two people to a crowd. sally was a superb compartmentalizes. she wants to control the narrative of her own life. in an era when a muscle charlie was not widely accepted she kept her sexual orientation private. while at nasa she was married to a fellow astronaut, a bond that lasted for five years. she then into the relationship with another woman for more than a quarter century. she never talked about her life, never came out publicly. supported her decision to reveal the