another important illustration was a were carried out by celso gordon. he's a very eccentric geneticist he managed to triple the number of flying hours at the air squadrons were able to carry out. not having a single airplane or a man to the ground crews. looking where we were in routine maintenance operations. looking at what components happen most often is. one commander who is asked about the work, he should exactly what the scientist were up to when it came to traditional military attitude. he said gordon, [inaudible] [applause] >> it was an extraordinarily diverse set of men and women who made up the anti-submarine operational research facility. one expert, as described by a colleague, is actually the only one who had any military background at all. but they shared was a scientific mindset and no preconceived notions. it was also crucial that they were outsiders. only the results mattered. they advise one of the colleagues turn it down. he said it was far better to remain a civilian city can talk back to the them. but i think that this is quite impo