as lookal hops fans celtbrate the warriors 36 season of the san francisco proamsummer basical ball league kicks off this week. for the past 35 years basical ball fans enjoyed watching pro's in a entertaining brand of basical ball. the league run is from june threw august and features evening games monday through thursday for men and saturday afternoon for the women. the best part is emission price t is free. flock to the games to see high flying dunk pas and maybe a nba expert. i do recall nob nub par ticipated in a cezar proammatch a couple years ago, correct? thank you. >> could you hold up. can we get everyone to please take a seat? thank you. >> back to the sf proam, you check out the schedule and roster at san francisco proamdot com. save the date for annual william hamened hall award. we we'll cohost the 7th [inaudible] wenss day july 15 at 3:30 the annual awards voig the men and women who work day and in and to make the parks beautiful. we'll have more information in the next few weeks. now, for the recognition portion of the gm report. i'm so incredbly proud to introduce to coach