how were you able to get all the access that you did in centrailia? actually pretty much out in the open. the only tricky part is the highway. it's closed to all cars. it's blocked off by a dirt mound. >> can you feel the heat coming off the ground? >> yes. >> oh, yeah. >> i actually picked up a piece of, i guess it was coal. and you could see all the smoke coming off of it and it literally broke in half and just dripped onto the ground. >> if you sit on the ground, you'll feel it. it's hot on you. >> what's the overall feeling that you got when you were there? was it depression, was it eerie, what was it? >> it was a nice day, but there's something very unsettling, knowing that there's a huge fire underneath you. >> it almost feels like you're where you shouldn't be. >>> steven, what is magic? >> science that we cannot explain. >> i'm about to show you some science we can't explain mixed with technology. the guy you're seeing on your screen is one of the world's top magicians. and he's got a nice little popped collar going on. but keep watching, beca