is burning the residents of the border regions, even those whose own ancestors came from central america committee rad leaves of the us border next to mexico and texas. lately, they have seen more and more immigrants arriving on the us side. many of them cross their front yard and even knock on their door. they come in late asking for their at what area their at the bar phones, water, food, anything in any way that they, they could get help. it's scary because of the fact that one could get into problems. another one, how we say we don't know who they are. once a week they get to the other side of the wall to the river fishing and the rio grande. the natural border between texas and mexico has been a tradition in their family for generations. there they enjoy your beautiful landscape and a peaceful activity at a river that for many on the other side, looks dangerous and life changing. wireless thought truck, semi dominant men of me, the elements men with trump, we saw less people crossing the border since fighting. they are more my parents. they are from mexico. so i do understand them, but we jus