central soma neighborhood. we heard their concerns and worked diligently to achieve planning commission approval of a two-variant plan so they can decide which route is best for them. if the vendors elect to stay, kilroy will go forward with the plan to build a wholesale flower market as part of the project. if they elect to move to al alternate site, kilroy agreed to construct a new market and leaves that to the flower mart at the same below market rate. the ground floor experience that be reimagined and includes childcare, increased open space, community facilities. timing is key for either variant. it's important for the flower mart project to obtain approval of a agreement this year to give the vendors the ability to choose the best option for their future and for the city to realize the robust public benefits project that's been described. in this scenario where the market returns, kilroy will be required to relocate the vendors temporarily to 2000 marin, which is available now, before planned future use is implemented. where the vendors choose to relocate permanently, kilroy will be required to purchase a separate site which can only be secured once the d.a. is approved and is on