city government and accessible to all. >> ms. gordon. >> to what. this message -- this question is for tony hall. regarding the san francisco century policy, the city has been very strong in defending the rights of undocumented immigrants to live here in san francisco. would you advocate changing it, and if so, would you expect your police department in your human services agency, the sheriff's department, although that is is every elected official, adult probation department, juvenile probation to change the way they're handling the issue? >> yes, you heard me stay in the opening statement that goes with the only candidate that would put an end to a century city. it is not that want to deport people. it put public safety in jeopardy. and the first responsibility of the mayor -- is this thing on? here we go. the first -- there we go. the first responsibility of an elected official is protect the safety of the citizens. i am not after reporting. i do not want to deport people, but i want to know what they were accused of. i believe in the secured amenities act, obama's secured committed this act. i think sanctuary city is a politica