vice president of the ceoe also with us.ome pretty dire numbers there when we look at the forecast of the spanish economy contracting 15% in a down side scenario. how much is this to do with the structural of the economy and because it is exposed so heavily to the tourism industry and how much is down to the government's handling of the pandemic >> good morning. yes, as you mentioned spain is probably going to be one of the countries that are going to be hardest touched by this. our forecast in worst case is minus 15%. best case is other minus12%. if there is a prolonged lockdown in the latest part of the year there are three main reasons why we are hardest impact by the covid. first of all, we have one of the longest lockdown in the world. we were almost four months lockdown in spain. a very tough lockdown for the public secondly, our economic structure is composed of various smes touched hardest by the covid we are highly dependent on the tourism. that has been the sector that has been the worst impact by the covid. these