we urge the security council to back the arab league's call for an inclusive cerium led political process to effectively address the legitimate aspirations and concerns of syria's people, conducted in an environment free from violence, fear, intimidation and extremism. i know that some members here may be concerned that the security council could be headed toward another libya. that is a false analogy. syriac is a unique situation that requires its own approach tailored to the specific circumstances occurring there. that is exactly what the arab league has proposed. a past or political transition that would preserve syria at's unity and institution. this may not be exactly the plan that any of us ourselves would have designed. i know that many nations feel that way. but it represents the best efforts to chart a way forward and deserves a chance to work. i think it would be a mistake to minimize or understate the magnitude of the challenge that syrians face in trying to build the rule of law and civil society on the ruins of a brutal and failed dictatorship. this will be hard. results are