park service and the united states congress there needed to be an additional survey with layers of certainteed attached. having said this, the second way i intended the title to be read, the massacre for much of american history has been misplaced in memory. it has been understood as having been part of the plains indian wars. actually it was part of the civil war as well. the civil war was the war of liberty and also of empire. a war that was spot over what would happen to the american west, what shape an american empire would take, and that sand creek was a byproduct of those struggles. what i believe the park service has tried to do to find the appropriate place for this massacre on the landscape of southeastern colorado and an american memory. >> how you tell the story of sand creek? prof. roberts: right now the national historic site is developing. we are to complete our first management plan for the site. we have not developed an interpretive plan now. what we do tell at the site is granted -- grounded in congress' direction to us. it tells us that this was a massacre that has had 150 ye