about the time cesar augustus ordered census to be taken throughout the empire. this is usually from luke's gospel we remember that. then it goes to john's gospel. you have to remember that john is not interested in history. he is interested in the meaning and theology. so many in churches on christmas eve, you will hear this again in the modern language. life light, he was in the world, world was there through him and world didn't notice. he came to his own people but they didn't want him. so you have this great light image in john. he is trying to convey meaning. not matthew's got a history, luke's got a history. the beginning of the word. and the word was god. when someone would irritate me when i was a pastor and they would be quoting the bible to me in advent study groups, i would say would you read us the christmas story from mark. they would open their bible. why are you laughing? >> there is no christmas story. >> it's like someone said read the 17th chapter of mark and there is no 17th chapter. they said they read it. you are not telling the truth becaus